Friday, June 23, 2006

Introduction : The Final Countdown

I guess most of you know who I am, and for those who dont, you will find out if you keep returning to this page. (yes, please hit Ctrl+B and come back atleast once a week) I intend to write quite frequently, and here's why:

I'm moving to France, for a year and half. I'll be living and working in a place called Grenoble, in the south of France, close to the Italian border. The population of this place is 5,00,000. I often wonder what it will feel like, considering i live in a place where the count is now touching 70,00,000 (is that the correct no. of zeroes... yes!)

It's the first time i'll be living out of my hometown, Bangalore, and outside India. I know its going to be one hell of an experience, with the good bad and ugly rolled into one.
Good : new friends, new place, cleaner air and great work profile!!
Bad : live alone, foreign land, new language, miss home!!
Ugly : wash clothes and utensils!!

The idea of this blog is to jot down everything (exciting or otherwise) that I will do, allow people to read it and laugh, mock, reflect, pity and maybe even criticise.

Ok, thats out of the way. I need to apply for my VISA soon. Thats quite a nightmarish experience. Especially when the immigration guys send the file to the wrong place (&!@~#%&!) Yes, thats exactly what happened, and i'm trying to figure out where it is, and act accordingly.

So until later...


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