Happy Republic Day
This is another one of those entries that are of sombre mood, and rather pensive, and abusive !
Happy Republic Day everyone !
I suppose this is the one day (or 2nd, after August 15th) where every (well, almost) Indian suddenly gets all patriotic and emotional and waves a flag... I think Upendra was right in "Raktha Kanneeru" (Now if you didnt get this oblique reference, email me and i'll send you the sound clip)
On the one hand, we have Putin as chief guest at the parade at Rajpath, and we showcase our cultural and military might to a world that believes India is Shining/Arrived/Poised. On yeah, "poised"... Some strange new campaign after a big fuss about India Shining. This one has the Big B in it.
On the other hand, we have role models, some as big as the Big B and his newly extended family of stoneface former Miss World Aishwarya Rai, who actually do completely stupid things and send a garbled message out to millions of Indians. Maybe we're still in some middle age dark time, because Miss Rai actually married a banana tree to ward off some evil fhodhfosfjsdfkfd... Oh sorry, did you lose me there? Thats only because this story completely lost me... Read more here.
I know she cant act, but atleast she is educated, well-travelled, and aware of the world around her. For heaven's sake, she's a Miss World ! I never heard of a Miss World from Latin America marry a kilogram of cocaine, or a Miss France marry a block of blue cheese ! It's complete idiots like these that become role models, and set examples to our billions...
Now, this is a funny take !
Oh, by the way, you can check out India Poised here.
swaroop, i have been reading your blog posts off late! i think u r cute
uh.. hmm... thanks !
although i'm thinking in what way my blog or it's contents tell u i'm cute?
Dude! That's how you become famous. Take a gun and kill some 25 teenagers in a school, write a really really great book (raed H2G2), be sarcastic to the core or marry a banana tree, apparently. So, our Miss.Rai choose the lesser path. I dont blame her.
Enjoyed reading your blogs. :)
Tell me mate!!!And tell me honestly!!!How many movies have you seen of hers and what do you know about acting???
tell me who u are, and u tell u what i know abt acting. dont leave bold msgs with a hidden identity and expect me to respond... pls, get a pair of balls !
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