Friday, January 05, 2007

What the ......

For some strange reason that I am yet to figure out, the so-called "good" sports brands sell absolutely pathetic shoes in France. Ive been searching for a decent pair of sneakers for more than a month now, and have been all over Grenoble looking for a nice pair of Adidas shoes.

First, I discovered that Grenoble does not have an Adidas showroom in Grenoble !!! Now, for the ones who don't know me, i swear by Adidas. It's been MY brand for 6 years now. And for a brand that claims that "Impossible is Nothing", it was impossible to find a decent pair in Grenoble !

I went about looking for shoes all over the sports shops in Grenoble. I found Adidas, and Reebok and Nike as well. But for some reason, these shoes looked worse than the rejected stuff that is sold in Safina Plaza in Bangalore. I didnt find a single Adidas that has the 3 band logo. Apparently the ones you get here still have the good old Trefoil logo !!! To add to that, the ones that looked neat were all white !! Where the hell do you get good sneakers in France? It's bad enough that every kind of sports shoe in France is randomly called "Basket".... what?!?!?

Then, to make things worse, the 12 day vacation took a toll of my favourite pair of sneakers. It's still wearable, but a tiny hole has rendered it useless with white socks...

I bought a pair of shoes this week. Rather, i was forced to... i settled for Puma. It was like choosing the best of the worst. How i have degenerated !!!

Atleast i know what i REALLY need to buy when i make my trip back to India this time !


At 2:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hehehe! u know, there's a big adidas showroom thats opened up beside safina plaza...and just last week mummy & me thought of u first when we saw it!

At 4:45 AM, Blogger Atul said...

maybe we can include that in official checklist at GTCI for prospective marco polos

At 5:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Soop!
If you want to be fashion in Grenoble better to buy North Face, Salomon or New balance shoes! It's a city for mountain sport!
I am sorry to tell you that your favorite brand (and also Nike and Reebok) is also the favorite one of those people that were burning cars last year in France (u know the ones that put their socks on their jogging pants, I am sure you have already met some of them). We used to buy those brands when we were teenagers but not anymore.


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